Both Musical Theater & Classical Divisions

Saturday, March 1, 2025


6200 E Atherton St, Long Beach, CA 90840

Collegiate Auditions Results 2025

CL First-Year Treble
1st Place: August Vargas (student of Janelle DeStefano, Santa Monica College)

CL First-Year TBB
1st Place: Enrique Toscano (student of Joel Balzun, Fullerton College)
2nd Place: Kourosh Daneshi (student of Joel Balzun, Fullerton College)
3rd Place: Caesar Morales (student of Joel Balzun, California Baptist University)

MT First-Year Treble
3rd Place: Naomi Fuentes (student of Stephanie Lynn Aston, Moorpark College)

CL Sophomore Treble
1st Place: Iman Haq (student of Raejin Lee, La Sierra University)
2nd Place: Audrey Thompson (student of Emily Thebaut, CSU Long Beach)
3rd Place: Isabella Grillo (student of Michele Patzakis, Azusa Pacific University)

CL Sophomore TBB
1st Place: Sergio Bocanegra (student of Joel Balzun, Fullerton College)
2nd Place: Juan Íñiguez (student of Tyler Alessi, Fullerton College)
3rd Place: Abraham Robles (student of Joel Balzun, Fullerton College)

MT Sophomore Treble
1st Place: Lillian Ocegura (student of Raejin Lee, La Sierra University)
2nd Place: Isabella Grillo (student of Michele Patzakis, Azusa Pacific University)
3rd Place: Mackenzie Currie (student of Melissa Treinkman, University of Southern California)

MT Sophomore TBB
1st Place: Lazor Lanson (student of Jessica Sandidge, Azusa Pacific University)
2nd Place: Drew Margolis (student of Melissa Treinkman, University of Southern California)
3rd Place: Fable Fae (student of Stephanie Lynn Aston, Moorpark College)

CL Super Sophomore
1st Place: Kyle Nguyen (student of Susan Ali, Orange Coast College)
2nd Place: Brianna Perez (student of Michele Patzakis, Pasadena City College)
3rd Place: Mahika Rao (student of Krystle Menendez, Fullerton College)

CL Junior Treble
1st Place: Sofia Marmaud (student of Katharin Rundus, CSU Long Beach)
2nd Place: Melissa Tovar (student of Alexander Hahn, CSU Long Beach)

CL Junior TBB
1st Place: Jonathan Rico (student of Juan Castañeda, Biola University)
2nd Place: Carter Topel (student of Alexander Hahn, CSU Long Beach)
3rd Place: Samuel Porter (student of Emily Thebaut, CSU Long Beach)

MT Junior Treble
1st Place: Briana Garcia (student of Raejin Lee, La Sierra University)

MT Junior TBB
1st Place: Avery Smith (student of Emily Thebaut, Harvey Mudd College)
2nd Place: Eugene Boyd (student of Melissa Treinkman, University of Southern California)

CL Senior Treble
1st Place: Elizabeth Ford (student of Julie Makerov, California Baptist University)
2nd Place: Tashyanna Simpson (student of Raejin Lee, La Sierra University)
3rd Place: Emily Zarza (student of Katharin Rundus, CSU Long Beach)

CL Senior TBB
1st Place: Chava Espinoza (student of Juan Castañeda, California Baptist University)

MT Senior Treble
1st Place: Tashyanna Simpson (student of Raejin Lee, La Sierra University)
2nd Place: Jesenya Rivera Puls (student of Juan Castañeda, Biola University)
3rd Place: Makenna Malkin (student of Michele Patzakis, Azusa Pacific University)

CL Super Senior
1st Place: Paolo Nolasco (student of Juan Castañeda, Biola University)
2nd Place: Zhaotong Tang (student of Jessica Sandidge, Azusa Pacific University)

CL Advanced College
1st Place: Ashley Holguin (student of Katharin Rundus, CSU Long Beach)
2nd Place: Aidan Moravec (student of Joel Balzun, California Baptist University)