by Gwendolyn Roberts

On March 23, 1944, following agreement and approval of the Organizational Committee, a new organization of singing teachers was formed.  It was called the National Association of Teachers of Singing.  The first meeting of the officers of the new association was held on march 24, 1944 at the Netherland Plaza Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio.  It was decided to incorporate and that was done on April 26, 1944 in the State of Illinois.  During successive meetings, it was decided to divide the United States in "Sections". Later called Regions.  The first issue of The NATS Bulletin was published and listed the charter officers.

Ruth Miller Chamlee was asked to serve as Regional Governor of the Western Section and was asked to form a new region – the Cal-Western Region.  In 1945, as the membership grew particularly among singing teachers in the Los Angeles area, Ms. Chamlee felt it would be productive to form a chapter.  She planted the idea with the national officers and reported the success of the Los Angeles venture to the national convention.  Some national officers felt that the chapter idea was "too soon for such local organizations since it might be detrimental to the national effort," as the slogan of the moment was "think national."  However, the Los Angeles Chapter was officially granted a charter on July 6, 1949 and its continued success inspired the formation of other chapters nationally.  From that early beginning under the guidance and inspiration of Ms. Chamlee, this chapter has continued to grow and prosper presenting outstanding programs, lectures, master classes and demonstrations.  Chapter projects include Young Artists' Auditions, Concert of the Year, Student Evaluation Program, two all-day symposia featuring nationally recognized professionals and regular monthly programs of an informative nature.

The chapter has been recognized and honored by the national association through the years.  Florence Russell, Gerold Shepard, Robert T. Gurnee and Marjory Mackay have each served as Regional Governors; Gwendolyn Roberts has served as both Regional Governor and Vice President, NAATSAA Coordinator; Violet Mesrop has been Regional Governor and Vice President for National Workshops.  William Vennard served as Regional Governor and was elected to two terms as President of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Inc.  His selected articles on singing are available from the national office.

Past Presidents of NATS-LA

1949-51 Tudor Williams

1951-52 William Vennard

1952-53 Nelle Gothold

1953-54 LeRoy Bartholomew

1954-55 Ada Tilley Allen

1955-56 G. Wade Ferguson

1956-57 Florence Russell

1957-58 Lee Hardy

1958-59 Jessie MacDonald Patterson

1959-60 G. Willard Bassett

1960-61 Gwendolyn Roberts

1961-62 Dr. Thomas Noble MacBurney

1962-63 Patricia Russell Baker

1963-64 Alan Mendenhall

1964-65 Neyneen Farrell Pires

1965-66 William Shaw Magginetti

1966-67 Alvina Irene Palmquist

1967-68 Robert Townsend Gurnee

1968-69 Lois Huff Cepparo

1969-70 Galen Lurwick

1970-71 Adele Khoury

1971-72 C. Sherwood Jordan

1972-73 Roena Savage

1973-74 John Lombardi

1974-75 Eilene Hummel

1975-76 Harold Barbour

1976-77 Natalie Limonick

1977-78 Hans Lampl

1978-79 Margery Mackay Anwyl

1979-80 Robert Townsend Gurnee

1980-81 Peggy Flanery

1981-83 Violet McMahon

1983-84 Jan Pederson

1984-85 Walter Martin

1985-86 Patrick Goeser

1986-87 Joyce Fizzolio

1987-88 Ken Kendell

1988-90 Leona Roberts

1990-92 Joyce Fizzolio

1992-94 Karla Nelson Kniss

1994-96 Kari Windingstad

1996-98 Lynn Cole-Adcock

1998-2000 Margaret Dehning

2000-2002 Elisabeth Howard

2002-2004 Lisa Stidham

2004-2005 Marian Bodnar

2005-2008 Janet Smith

2008-2010 Victoria Lavan

2010-2011 Marian Bodnar

2011-2013 Susan Wong

2013-2015 Barbara Dyer

2015-2017 Bruce McClurg

2017-2019 Melodee Fernandez

2019-2021 Janelle DeStefano

2021-2023 Melodee Fernandez