Become A Member!

By joining NATS you are joining the largest association of voice professionals in the world. With nearly 7,000 members, NATS has been promoting quality voice teaching and research on the voice since 1944. NATS' focus on the professional education of its members has resulted in numerous conferences, workshops, and chapter activities featuring the leading teachers and researchers of our time. Your membership in NATS includes reduced registration rates for these events and your students are eligible to participate in NATS sponsored auditions and competitions.

After following the step by step process to apply for membership, you will be able to immediately access the wealth of information and educational opportunities afforded NATS members. Thanks for joining us and encourage your friends who are voice professionals to join us as well.

We look forward to serving you and your students!

For those who are RENEWING their membership, simply visit and use the “Log in” button on the upper right corner of the home page.


Instructions for Online Membership Application:

1) Visit

2) Choose the appropriate membership category and click “Apply Now”.

3) Enter the information requested.

4) Read the Code of Ethics and click to agree to abide by it by checking the box (required for membership).

5) Review the information entered and make any changes if necessary. Click on “Submit” if everything is correct.

6) Enter your preferred payment information.

7) You will receive a confirmation letter after your application is complete!

8) In order to belong to NATS-LA Chapter, you MUST choose the Los Angeles Chapter and pay the additional $50 LA Chapter dues.