2019 Student Summer Study Award Application
The purpose of the Student Summer Study Award is to encourage especially worthy students of NATS-LA Chapter members to participate in summer music programs. Awards of up to $1000 may be given to high school or college students to be applied toward tuition and/or travel costs. All applicants must present proof of admittance to their chosen program.
Prospective summer music programs must provide vocal instruction/coaching and/or training in any of the following: operatic, song or oratorio repertoire, foreign language skills or cultural outreach opportunities. Acceptable programs include Aspen, The American Institute of Musical Studies (AIMS), Chautauqua, International Opera Academy of Rome, Oberlin Summer Study, Operaworks, Tanglewood, Taos Opera Institute, The University of Miami in Salzburg, Songfest, Spoleto, Vocal Arts Symposium, and others of similar quality. The NATS-LA Summer Study Awards are not intended to fund audition trips, salaried apprenticeships or paid programs. Final approval of a program will be determined by the NATS-LA Summer Study Award Screening Committee.
A written report at least two pages long, double-spaced, will constitute the final requirement of this award. The report should cover the scope of the program and include a review of what you have gained from this program. This will assist us in assessing programs as to their suitability for awards in the future. This report is due one month after the completion of the program.